Copyright 2019 Regulatory Compliance Associate ( Asia ) Pte Ltd
Regulatory Compliance Associate (Asia) Pte Ltd
The Regulatory Affairs Experts
What We Do
Product review, consultation and registration or notification of cosmetic, Chinese Proprietary
Medicines, health supplements, food, medical devices, therapeutic medines etc.
Good Distribution Practise (GDP) / Therapeutic Products Wholesale License (TPWL).
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) preparation and audit.
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) preparation and audit.
GDP Medical Devices Standards preparation and audit.
Controlled Drugs (CD) SOP and audit.
Form A Poisons License (FAPL) application.
NEW Service Offered:
RCA has teamed up with IPO legal firm so we are capable of offering services to check for drugs patent
expiry, match suitable supply source, where possible, (purely from availability of regulatory affairs
documents point of view) if required. *
This service will give pharma distributors an added advantage to start the registration queue before
(or with) other potential suppliers/distributors.
*However this does not include signing of supply agreement, territorial coverage and costs of goods,
which Client will deal/negotiate with supplier(s)/distributor(s) directly.
Please feel free to request for a non-obligation quotation from us.